Port Access

I/O ports are mapped to registers. These registers are special purpose. In order to address them you have to use extended addressing (12 bit vs normal 8 bit).
Example: LD dest,src [becomes] LDX dest,src

Table 1. GPIO Port Registers and Subregisters
  Port register mnemonic Port register description
  PxADDR Port A-H Address Register (r/w selects subregisters)
  PxCTL Port A-H Control Register (r/w to/from selected subregister)
  PxIN Port A-H Input Data Register (read-only)
  PxOUT Port A-H Output Data Register (r/w)
  Subregister mnemonic Port register description
00h - (No function)
01h PxDD Data Direction
02h PxAF Alternate Function
03h PxOC Output Control (Open-Drain)
04h PxHDE High-drive Enable
05h PxSMRE Stop Mode Recovery Source Enable

Dip40 pinout

Example code

Selecting a subregister and writing to it:

ldx PBADDR, #01h    ;Select subregister Data Direction
ldx PBCTL,  #03h    ;Pin B0 and B1 are now inputs. The rest are outputs. 0=output, 1=input

Write to the output register:

ldx PBOUT, #04h     ;Pin B2 is now HIGH. The other output pins are LOW

Read from input register

ldx R0,PBIN         ;Load the content of the input register into working register R0.

Notice that you have to use extended addressing to be able to access these registers. They are not in range of standard 8 bit addressing.


Optimization tricks

You can use regular LD instructions to write to ports and effectively halve the time it takes to set up the registers. This optimization is only beneficial when you need to write to more than one register. It is both memory and cycle efficient.

In order to use the normal addressing mode you have to set up the Register Pointer using the SRP instruction. Make it point to the start of the block of 16 registers of the peripheral you want to control.

;This is optimized
srp 0FDh    ; Set register pointer to address 0FDh (2 execution cycles, 2 fetch, 2 bytes of memory)
ld R8,#10h ; Set register 0FD8h to 10h (2 execution cycles, 2 fetch, 2 bytes of memory)
ld R9,#EFh ; Set register 0FD9h to EFh (2 execution cycles, 2 fetch, 2 bytes of memory)

Total of 6 execution cycles in 6 bytes to program two registers. If you exclude the SRP instruction, it is 4 cycles in 4 bytes. This compares to the LDX equivalent as:

;This is NOT optimized
ldx 0FD8h,#10h    ; 2 execution cycles, 4 fetch and 4 bytes of memory
ldx 0FD9h,#EFh    ; 2 execution cycles, 4 fetch and 4 bytes of memory

This takes a total of 8 cycles because of the longer fetch cycles and also increases the memory required.

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